About Us

Corporate Social Responsibility

Elevated Consultancy & Training is committed to a business approach that strives to contribute towards the sustainability of the local community and larger society. Our larger vision is in achieving the triple bottom line of People, Planet & Profit with our corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts.

Making A Difference

What We Do

The company is aware of its potential to bring positive impacts through the expansion of business opportunities in a socially responsible manner. We are inspired to make a difference to the world, be it to the environment, social lives of communities or the economic development of locals.

The company has taken small steps in multiple fronts for the greater good. These include:

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    Financial contributions to charitable organisations and initiatives.

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    Providing pro bono training and consultancy services to social welfare oganisations, academic institutions and non-profit bodies.

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    Delivering talks on tourism’s responsibility towards achieving environmental, economic and social sustainability.

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    Supporting CSR projects and initiatives through partnerships and collaborations. Elevated Consultancy and Training supports the CSR initiatives of Australian Centre for Education and Training (ACET-Global).

Some of the projects we support can be found here.

Empowering Women

In addition, the founder, Nisha, is particularly passionate about developing and empowering women. The benefits of investing in women are seen globally, especially in developing nations.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Quote - Elevated Consultancy & Training

Collaborations & Partnerships

The company continues to step up its corporate efforts to contribute towards achieving societal goals and we welcome any project that may add value to the company’s CSR commitments.

Looking To Create Positive Societal Impact?
Get in touch with us to explore potential CSR collaborations or networking partnerships

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